According to a recent report from PR Newswire, the value of the digital education industry is projected to grow nearly 11% by 2025, climbing an anticipated 10.85% from its pre-COVID value of 1 billion in 2019. Other sources place those numbers even higher, projecting growth of 14.6% from 2020 to 2026 when the industry’s value is expected to reach 4.3 billion.

Federal Government of Pakistan has launched a groundbreaking program which aimed at digitally training and certifying the nation’s 1.8 million teachers, with the potential to include millions more who are anticipated to join the workforce in the coming 10 years. This initiative which is led by the National Institute of Excellence in Teacher Education (NIETE) in partnership with the LUMS School of Education, marks a big step forward in Pakistani education sector. In this research article, our Tashheer research team compiled all the details related Government program to train 1.8 million teachers digitally.

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This program of 2024 provides teachers with modern training and offer them advanced teaching methods.
This step increases Government all efforts to enhance teacher digital skills and promote teaching as an honorable career in Pakistan. 
With a focus on improving the quality of teacher training, our government aims to raise educational standards across all educational institutions in Pakistan, be it private or public as well as for students engaged in remote learning.
One main objective of this program is to enhance the educational results of Pakistani students in all provinces. Classroom learning tools help all subject teachers in Pakistan create more interactive learning environments.

This training program aims to reach teachers from all corners of Pakistan, no matter where they are or which school they are from. Using digital teaching machinery helps Pakistani urban and rural teachers get same quality training. Teachers will not only receive digital training but also assessment and lesson plan support on their phones. This training includes the use of digital tools for lesson planning and delivery (e.g., interactive whiteboards and educational software). This new teaching program by government of Pakistan sets the stage for a brighter future for Pakistani generations.

The program will likely utilize an online platform for delivering the training modules, involving a combination of:

  • Pre-recorded video lectures by subject matter experts
  • Interactive modules with quizzes and exercises
  • Online forums or chat rooms for teachers to connect and collaborate

Completing the program might lead to a certificate or badge recognizing the teacher’s newly acquired digital skills.

teacher digital training

Here is the list of some core benefits of Digital Certification, mentioned as: 

  • A digital certification shows your proficiency in a specific skill set, making you a more attractive candidate to digitally skilled teaching.
  • Receiving a digital certification tells that this teacher completed his/her digital course or program that teaches you new skills or grows your understanding of existing ones.
  • Digital certifications often offer flexible learning schedules and online delivery, allowing you to learn at your own pace. 
  • A digital certification from a reputable government organization provides a third-party verification of your skills and knowledge.
  • A big benefit of digital learning is gaining access to digital classroom tools required to deliver better lessons to students compared to traditional classroom-based training programs.

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Here are some core challenges that Pakistani government can face during training their teachers, listed as:

Not all teachers may have the necessary devices or internet access for digital training.
Teachers are already busy, so investing time in additional training can be difficult.
Some teachers may not be comfortable with technology or may lack basic digital skills.
Some teachers may not want to change their teaching methods or use new technology.
Some programs are criticized for prioritizing theory over practical classroom experience.
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The Government of Pakistan is starting a big project to teach and certify 1.8 million teachers and next employees who will join in the next ten years. In this research article, our Tashheer research team compiled all details about Government initiatives for teachers to train them digital skills. With the program’s availability to educators and learners in every province of Pakistan, a major step has been taken to guarantee that everyone in this country has fair access to high-quality education. MoFEPT and FDE’s decision to launch this project not only underlines the government’s commitment to executing tangible change but also places teachers at the heart of this earnest dream.

About the Author: Alishba

Alishba Zaheer is the lead content writer at Tashheer Digital and has a genuine passion for storytelling. With her team of skillful content writers, her expertise lies in the ability to seamlessly adapt writing style to various niches, checking new trends in Tech, especially in Pakistan. She stays ahead of the curve and maintains her dedication to writing excellence. Among other things, she has been instrumental in researching local brands, Pakistani products, and services, providing benchmark articles for Pakistani audiences.