5G is the fifth generation of cellular network technology. It is expected to revolutionize how we live and work, with speeds up to 100 times faster than 4G and the ability to connect billions of devices simultaneously. Pakistan is one of the last countries in South Asia to launch 5G services, but that is all about to change. In August 2024, Pakistan will finally come in the ranking list of other countries with 5G networks, welcoming a new era of connectivity and innovation.

Pakistan aims to launch 5G services by August 2024

In a recent news report, the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication says that Pakistan is gearing up to Launch 5G mobile phone connectivity in August 2024. According to media reports, this announcement is in response to the increased demand for faster and more modern telecommunications services. The ministry has released a detailed business strategy for the launch of 5G services throughout the country.

Connecting Pakistan’s Future: 5G Services Arriving August 2024 in Pakistan
Connecting Pakistan’s Future: 5G Services Arriving August 2024 in Pakistan

Plan for Getting Pakistan Ready for 5G

This comprehensive plan includes several essential steps:

  • Getting International Advice and Guidelines
  • Making a Committee of all Government Departments.
  • A Strong Auction Plan
  • Learning from other countries like Bangladesh.

Hiring an international consultant like Dr. Houlin Zhao & Mr. Matt Beal to provide project direction, organizing an Inter-Ministerial Advisory Committee to design the future of 5G in Pakistan and developing an auction policy and business plan are all essential elements of the plan. Members of the Committee include experts from the Ministry of IT and Telecommunications, the PTA, the Frequency Allocation Board (FAB), the PM Office SRIU (Strategic Reforms Implementation Unit), the PM Taskforce on IT and Telecom, academia, mobile carriers, and telecom companies. The government will also take guidance from successful models in countries like Bangladesh for the spectrum auction process. Importantly, the plan highlights that spectrum allocation will not be provided to any single operator without a competitive process to ensure equality and promote a competitive environment.

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Business Plan for 600 MHz Spectrum Auction

Before auctioning the demanded 600 MHz spectrum, the business plan outlined the need for significant changes in the telecom sector. This involves dealing with current legal cases about who gets to use the wireless frequencies and making rewards for telecom companies to participate actively in the auction. To encourage the expansion of 5G services, the business plan involves provisions for facilitating the opening of Letters of Credit (LC) and the laying of fiber optic cables.

Launching 5G services in Pakistan is an essential step in technological advancement. It is intended to transform how people communicate and consume content. In addition, 5G will enable new and innovative applications in fields such as healthcare, education, and transportation.

What are the Benefits of 5G Technology?

Some of the benefits of 5G technology globally are given below.

Speed Upgrades

5G is up to 100 times faster than 4G, with speeds of up to 10 Gbps. This means you can download a high-resolution movie in just six seconds.

Low Latency

The latency of 5G networks is less than five milliseconds. This enables near-real-time device control which is ideal for gaming, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).

Enhanced Capacity

5G offers up to 1,000 times more capacity than 4G, making it perfect for the Internet of Things (IoT). It can support thousands of devices communicating seamlessly.

Increased Bandwidth

5G can transmit larger amounts of data than 4G and it’s optimized for handling high traffic, even in crowded places like stadiums.

Availability and Coverage

While 5G is still being rolled out, major carriers are trying to implement it in big cities in preparation for wider coverage.

Speed Upgrades

5G is up to 100 times faster than 4G, with speeds of up to 10 Gbps. This means you can download a high-resolution movie in just six seconds.

Low Latency

The latency of 5G networks is less than five milliseconds. This enables near-real-time device control which is ideal for gaming, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).

Enhanced Capacity

5G offers up to 1,000 times more capacity than 4G, making it perfect for the Internet of Things (IoT). It can support thousands of devices communicating seamlessly.

Increased Bandwidth

5G can transmit larger amounts of data than 4G and it’s optimized for handling high traffic, even in crowded places like stadiums.

Availability and Coverage

While 5G is still being rolled out, major carriers are trying to implement it in big cities in preparation for wider coverage.

Benefits of 5G in Pakistan

In Pakistan, 5G service will transform every field, which may include:

  • Education

5G can improve learning with virtual reality and help rural students access education.

  • Health Care

It enables remote surgery and makes healthcare more efficient.

  • Agriculture

5G helps farmers monitor crops and boosts agricultural efficiency.

  • Manufacturing

 It innovates manufacturing, like 3D printing, and improves plant efficiency

  • Entertainment

 5G offers immersive experiences, like HD streaming and virtual gaming.

  • Smart Cities

It aids in traffic management, public safety, and energy efficiency.

  • Rural Development

It bridges the digital gap by providing information and services to remote locations.

  • Job Creation

5G is set to create millions of new jobs in Pakistan, both directly and indirectly.

Final Words

Tashheer LogoThe launch of 5G networks in Pakistan has the potential to boost the economy significantly, particularly in sectors such as healthcare, education, and technology. It will improve how we talk to each other and how we enjoy stuff like videos and games. However, there are constraints and drawbacks to consider, such as a lack of infrastructure, device costs, potential health risks, and cybersecurity issues. To tackle these serious issues before the official launch of 5G network in Pakistan, the Government has its own plans. So, we are almost there, and by August 2024, Pakistan will be ready to enter an exciting digital era with world-class connectivity.


About the Author: Alishba

Alishba Zaheer is the lead content writer at Tashheer Digital and has a genuine passion for storytelling. With her team of skillful content writers, her expertise lies in the ability to seamlessly adapt writing style to various niches, checking new trends in Tech, especially in Pakistan. She stays ahead of the curve and maintains her dedication to writing excellence. Among other things, she has been instrumental in researching local brands, Pakistani products, and services, providing benchmark articles for Pakistani audiences.